Our data suggests that organisations driving mutli-milion dollar infrastructure projects are leaving profit
on the table through the inability to claim their full contractual entitlements.
Our analysis indicates that companies can increase their claims by 12% to 21%.
Infrastructure projects are leading Australia’s economic recovery, and construction firms need to use every competitive advantage to drive profitability across all projects. Crews on the ground don’t always know all the details of the contract, and commercial teams don’t always have visibility of everything that’s happening on site.
This means that payments or extensions of time entitled under a contract can be missed.
Using Artificial Intelligence, construction firms can now claim more of their contractual entitlements and increase project profitability.
Case Study: Using AI to
Increase Project Profitability
Downer, an ASX50 company, wanted a way to maximise their contractual entitlements. It needed to be easy-to-integrate into their existing processes, eliminate preventable time barring and increase their project profitability.
We worked with Downer to develop the RedClaim algorithms, which allow Downer’s field workforce to make site diary entries that could instantly identify potential variations and entitlements based on the rights and obligations register. RedClaim runs for each project in real-time, and checks all projects again every morning at 7am.
The software is currently deployed across 20 infrastructure project sites, and is being rolled out further across Downer’s project portfolio.
Downer is building a market leading technology and data platform to help deliver their infrastructure projects, and they’re embracing AI to drive the improvements.

How Does It Work
Interrogate Trainined language models interrogate site diary notes in real-time.
MatchMatching potential events with each project’s rights and obligations register.
Learn & ImproveLearning and improving over time; the more data is presented the better the model becomes.
IdentifyIdentifying language which may indicate a weather, commercial, zero harm, quality event or a client instructed variation.
EmpowerEmpowering the site team and commercial managers to investigate immediately.